Empowering the Youth: Kekeli University Set To Offers Free Training in Graphic Design, Video Editing, Blogging, and Content Creation to (2) Million Senior High School Students Empower Dreams, Transform Lives: Sponsorship Opportunity at Kekeli University - Kekeli University

Empower Dreams, Transform Lives: Sponsorship Opportunity at Kekeli University

 Dear Supporters of Education and Empowerment,

 Welcome to Kekeli University, where we believe in the transformative power of education and the boundless potential within every individual. We invite you to join us on a mission to make quality education accessible to all, irrespective of financial constraints.

 ### **About Kekeli University**

 Kekeli University is committed to providing valuable education and skill development opportunities to the youth of Ghana. Our dedication is exemplified by our recent initiative to offer free courses in graphic design, video editing, blogging, and content creation for over 2 million Senior High School (SHS) students.

 ### **The Power of Sponsorship**

 We recognize that not everyone has the means to afford the nominal registration fee of 50 Ghana cedis for our courses. This is where your support can make a significant difference. By sponsoring a student, you're not just covering their registration fee; you're opening the door to a world of possibilities and empowerment.

 ### **How You Can Help**

 **1. Individual Sponsorship:**

   - Contribute any amount you can to sponsor one or more students.

   - Your donation directly supports students who are passionate about learning but face financial constraints.

 **2. Corporate Sponsorship:**

   - Demonstrate your commitment to corporate social responsibility by sponsoring a group of students.

   - Showcase your brand as a catalyst for positive change and community development.

 ### **The Ripple Effect**

 Your sponsorship doesn't stop at helping individual students; it creates a ripple effect that extends far beyond the classroom. By supporting the education of those who cannot afford it, you are contributing to the development of a skilled workforce, fostering innovation, and uplifting communities.

 ### **How to Donate**

 To make a donation or inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please contact us through the following channels:

 - Email: info@kekeliuniversity.com

- Phone/WhatsApp: +233552568466

Payment Methods: 

1. Direct Cash to CEO

2. Mobile Money ( +233552568466)

3. Bank Account Deposit : Account Number : 2100925532212  Name: Emmanuel Kekeli Serwonu (Maamobi Branch) 


 Your generosity will not only change lives today but will also pave the way for the expansion of our free course offerings. Together, we can build a future where education knows no financial barriers.

 Thank you for being a beacon of hope and a catalyst for positive change.


Kekeli University Sponsorship Department