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How SEO videos on YouTube rank effectively


Did you know YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google? Every day, YouTube viewers watch over a billion hours of video. With millions of videos posted every day, how do you ensure your content ranks better to be viewed by YouTube users?

Have a YouTube video SEO strategy that optimizes your channel and videos to improve ranking in search results. Your brand will show more if your video ranks better on search engines. And that increases leads, increases conversion rates, and drives sales.

Many internet searchers want to watch branded videos. As a brand, you need to make sure your content reaches as many viewers as possible. But in order for your videos to rank on YouTube and Google search engines, you need to do a smart job in terms of SEO . Check out the tips below and learn how to get your videos to the top of the search engines.

Best Tips for YouTube SEO

Quality keyword research from YouTube and Google SEO

Search engines determine your video topics to rank for through keywords. When YouTube and Google recognize your content, they index it and associate your video with user searches.

So you need to make sure search engines favor your channel and videos. All you should do is know and use the keywords that best define your videos and are likely to draw viewers' attention to your channel.

After finding your favorite keywords, check the benchmarks of your competitors. You can access channels where you share a niche and those that have established authority on YouTube. Make sure to find out what they are doing and follow SEO methods like applying similar keywords to rank better. That will help you choose and use a good keyword.

Choose keywords with great reach potential

When the search is done, you will have a list of keywords to consider. So you should choose the best ones. Choose a keyword with the most searches that can draw people to your content. However, such keywords have more competition. And if your competitors are big brands with influencers, it can be hard to compete with them.

So if you are a small business you can use long tail keywords. While long tail keywords will not bring you great website traffic, they have little or no competition and will give you a good position on the search engine rankings. search YouTube.

But how do you know that your keyword is long tail? These keywords are long and can be three or more words. They represent a more specific search. When choosing a keyword for your video, make sure it's relevant to your content.

Add subtitles and recordings to your videos

YouTube's algorithms depend on code and text to rank your content. To make sure your content is easy to find and rank for, you need captions and transcripts in your videos. Wondering what a transcript is? Well, it converts what your video says into text. While you can do it manually, tools like InVideo can help you transcribe quickly.

Audio recordings and subtitles help users follow and understand your content even without audio. That makes your videos more accessible. You can add transliterated text to your video description to give your audience more information about your video.

Get good titles for your videos

Is your content searchable and keyword selectable? Add your keywords to your video title. It is one of the best tactics to beat YouTube SEO. YouTube will easily identify, index, and rank your content for keywords in the video title.

In order for your video to appear at the top of YouTube rankings, your title needs to be close to the search terms used by online visitors. A study by Briggsby showed that the position of keywords in the title affects the position of the video on YouTube search results. Longer titles perform worse. Based on the same study, videos with characters from 47-48 rank better.

You should have short video titles with exact keywords. While it's not a rule, you should consider improving your YouTube video ranking . Remember that the video title can be a user's first contact with your content. So you need a title that describes what your viewers will see. But that's not all. Your video title should motivate your audience to click on your video.

Include tags for your videos

When working on YouTube SEO, tags matter a lot in terms of rankings. Before rating your video, YouTube uses tags to determine the topic of the video for indexing and ranking.

Additionally, YouTube will recommend relevant videos to your audience based on tags. Those recommendations are a good source of traffic for your YouTube videos. While YouTube gives you the opportunity to use around 120 characters, make sure to stick to 6 to 8 words. Using more than that can confuse the algorithms, which can affect your ratings.

Make longer videos

Based on the results from the Briggsby study, there exists a relationship between video length and rankings. Videos that are less than 2 minutes in length tend to rank poorly on YouTube. Videos with an average length of 11 minutes took the top 5 positions on the YouTube ranking page.

Therefore, you should make a longer video. You can use InVideo to edit your content and fine-tune your videos to meet your rating standards and attract people looking for more in-depth content. However, don't just focus on the length of the video. Instead, focus on quality.

Write smart descriptions

Before you upload a video to your YouTube, add a description. It gives your audience information about the content the video claims. If your title is short, you can keep the description a bit longer.

A good video description will improve your video's ranking on YouTube. It convinces your audience to watch your content and makes it easier for algorithms to find and rank your videos. You can add keywords to your description so that search engines prioritize your videos. Also, you shouldn't forget to include a call to action in your description.

Increase audience engagement

While this is not under your or your channel's control, it affects ratings. How many likes does your video get? Do your YouTube videos get a lot of comments? How many subscribers do you have? How many shares did your video get? These are the important questions when it comes to YouTube SEO.

If your video gets a lot of engagement, it will rank better. YouTube's algorithms take it as an indication that your video is meeting user expectations. If any audience watches your video all the way through, it tells Google you're offering something valuable and interesting, leading to higher rankings. Therefore, make sure you create quality videos to boost your engagement.


To make sure your videos rank better, you should do YouTube SEO, which makes it easy to find and rank your content. With the above tips, your video will appear on the first page of the YouTube ranking page, increasing your visibility. Once your content ranks at the top, you are bound to experience massive traffic, leads, and sales.